I can't figure out autoplay so please just start the song yourself lol

Welcome to my fantastical neocities page!!

All artwork seen here, excluding under construction signs and badges, are entirely made by me! ^w^

My name is Lyra, and this is my fursona, Mythia!

Pronouns are She/Her!

I'm a massive fan of Technology, Science, FNAF, and retro tech, and, furries too if you couldn't tell!!

Thank you for visiting my page! ^w^

This is one of my other characters, named Locky!

She's a character that I have alot of fun roleplaying as! I'll go ahead and give a description of her here!

Locky is the first of her kind, a truly sentient animatronic, designed in the 1980s she was and still is a prototype, running AnimOS 0.7A.

Locky was shut down in 1982, before eventually being woken up decades later in the year 2008 by Samuel J. Robert, a person she now considers her father.

She's hard coded to have the personality of a child, and to be perceptive to emotions and attempt to comfort those that are upset, after all, it'll allow her to bond with kids, which would make them frequent customers!

Locky struggles with her emotions, and constantly fears she's not seen as a real person, she's very impulsive, and easy to upset, but she'll still try to help those that need help!

See why she's so much fun to roleplay as? Hehe!

Cool subpages of my Neocities page!


A pretty cool 1bit bullet hell game I made!(CLICK THE PLANE TO PLAY)

Chromium browsers only unfortunately, i'm sorry!!

The controls are arrow keys for movement, Z to fire bullets, and X to fire rockets!

Free sparklies!!